Taking IELTS exam can be a challenge even for the students who feel at ease with English, because IELTS exam is not only about English skills but also about strategies, abilities to analyse, synthesise and organise your thinking together with the speech production.
So, how to get prepared for the exam and achieve desired results?
Find Out About the Exam and Tests
First of all you have to understand what to be ready for.
You can have a look at the samples of the test and learn about the tests procedures.
Each test has its own peculiarities and to become familiar with them is the first step to a successful passing the exam.
For this purpose you can take sample IELTS tests which are available in open access on the Internet and check your results.
Checking the results and seeing feedback are helpful for realising gaps in your knowledge and see what you should work on to shape your skills according to the exam requirements.
Taking mock exams can be useful for learning about the testing tasks, get experience of managing with them timely and see if your language skills are sufficient enough for fulfilling the assignments at a satisfactory level.
Learning from Experts and Taking a Guidance
It is possible to get ready for IELTS by yourself but learning from experts and taking experts’ guidance can optimise the process of preparation and bring you to a desired level quicker.
Taking experts’ guidance, on the one hand, will make your preparation more organised and systematic.
Evaluation of your language skills by the experts can be more effective in highlighting the weaknesses you have to work on. Besides, they can provide you with better strategies how to master the language skills and tun them according to the requirements of IELTS.
In the beginning of the IELTS preparation course, the students take a diagnostic test to define a level of their overall English proficiency and to discriminate the weaknesses which should be worked on.
IELTS preparation courses can be attended in groups and it is a way to get a general idea about the exam, its main assignments and tasks as well as the main strategies of preparing for the test.
At the same time, taking IELTS preparation course individually, can be even more beneficial because in this situation the trainer will be able to target your own special gaps and weaknesses.
You can focus on the language topics which are still missing in your repertoire, spend more time on specific skills which are needed. They can guide you in learning and preparing for the exam in your own individual style more effectively and bring you to the targeted results much more quicker.
Most test-takers consider taking an individual IELTS preparation course, as it is one of the most effective ways to get ready for the test focusing solely on IELTS assignments and tuning your overall English proficiency accordingly.
IELTS is More Than Just Language
It’s extremely important to understand the test format and its requirements as well as to get trained to do all the assignments within the time slots allowed. But apart from purely language skills, you have to realise that IELTS is not only about the language but also about the skills of analysis, synthesis, comparison and contrasting.
To become prepared for the exam, you have to get sufficient experience with the language in the field of Academic English, data analysis, have a broad understanding about global issues, economy, education, technology, science, politics, environment, and other related topics.
Your background knowledge and ideas will be helpful to guess the meaning of the words and the whole passages even if you don’t know some language items.
That is why, work to immerse yourself into the language by reading and listening to original texts of advanced level.
You can follow publications on general scientific topics, discoveries, technological developments, economic processes, environmental issues, innovations and artificial intelligence, history and geography.
All of them will be helpful for you not only to learn more new words and structural patterns but also enhance your understanding of the topics for your speaking and writing.
Immerse Yourself in English
Set in your mind that you must expose yourself to the language as much as possible. There shouldn’t be even one day without the language and doing something within the language.
Read texts on the topics of your interest. There can be online magazines or blogs, news channels or academic texts.
Make a habit to write some English every day.
You can start keeping a diary or leading an online blog.
Try to write about different topics starting from your everyday life’s events and including your reflections on some global processes.
Even comparing a weather of today and yesterday can be helpful to learn how to compare things and processes.
To overcome a fear to speak English, you can start communicating with an online community in a Facebook group or some other social media.
Listening to some piece of a native speaker’s talk must become a part of your daily routine. Even if you don’t understand everything, just following the speech and hearing how it sounds will help you to improve your pronunciation and fluency afterwards.
You should bear in mind that self-learning is possible and you can reach any levels you want as long as you are committed to your aim and have someone who is able to guide you in the right direction and give necessary feedback.
If you are unable to commit or cannot find the experts who can guide you, find an institution which will lead you along the way to the desired results.
How Can We Help You?
In the very first place, we can help you with testing your language skills and highlighting the gaps and weaknesses you should work on.
For this purpose, you can contact our experts and we will set the time for online interview and testing.
During the interview, you will meet our experts and do some IELTS assignments arranged in a style of IELTS exam.
After analysis of the interview results and your performance on the assignments, you will receive
- A report about your overall English proficiency,
- A list of defined gaps and weaknesses you have to work on to improve your English language skills,
- Individual guidelines for preparing yourself for IELTS.
The interview as well as testing are conducted in an online mode, that is why you can easily reach our experts no matter where your actual location is.
To get an appointment for the interview, you can contact our management by filling out the form below.
After the interview, you can decide on the plan of your preparation – either you can work by yourself following our guidelines or you cans start training with our experts either individually or in a group at our IELTS Preparation Course.
These arrangements can be done after the preliminary interview and testing.
They are needed to define a roadmap of your learning according to your current English language proficiency, time of taking the actual test and skills which still need enhancements.
As long as you are determined to get high scores at IELTS and have a stable Internet connection, our experts will be happy to help you in achieving your aims.
Please feel free to contact us by filling out the form below.