This test is designed for those who have taken just their first steps in learning English from Zero to A1.

We hope it will be helpful for the students to measure their first progress and to see their learning perspectives ahead.

Good Luck to all English Starters!

1. What is bigger than a dog?


2. Look at the map of Turkey. Choose the correct description.



3. Look at the picture below and choose correct answers what these animals can do.



4. Three plus seven is ……


5. Look at the picture below and choose its correct description.




6. Look at the picture below. Choose all correct answers.



7. Look at the room and choose its correct description.



8. What is the girl doing?



9. Fourteen minus five is ……


10. Sunday comes after …..


11. John is from USA. What is his nationality?


12. The sky is …..


13. Look at the picture below and choose the time which is not on the picture.



14. Wednesday is between ……. and ……. .


15. We have ….. eyes and …. ears.


16. What is smaller than a bear?


17. Look at the family tree below. Choose all correct answers.


18. Kira is from China . What is her nationality?



Speak about yourself!

  1. What is your name?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Where are you from?
  4. What is your nationality?
  5. Where do you live?
  6. Do you have brothers or sisters?
  7. Are you married?
  8. What is your job?
  9. What is your favourite colour?
  10. What is your favourite sport?

20. What is the boy doing?


21. Thursday comes before …..


22. The hand has ….. fingers.


Question 1 of 22